Unisoft Education Centre

Diploma in Mobile Apps Development(ANDROID + iOS + AI)

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Course Information

  • 11 Jun 2024 (Tue) - 30 Jul 2024 (Tue) 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM
Registration period
17 May 2024 (Fri) - 11 Jun 2024 (Tue)
HKD 2,980
Course Level
Study Mode
20 Hour(s)
九龍佐敦德興街11-12號 興富中心5樓501室 (佐敦港鐵站E出口)

Course Overview

課程代碼: DMA2023

本課程將教授學員利用 Kotlin 及 Swift 去開發 Android Apps 及 iOS Apps。介紹的 Kotlin & Swift的基本語法,並逐步了解 Android Apps 及 iOS Apps的架構和組成部分。學習利用 Android 及 iOS的 UI Wigdet 建立單頁或多頁的 Apps,接受資料輸入,傳輸資料給不同部件,處理資料及儲存資料等各種操作。更會學習如何下載文字或影像檔案,最後更加與雲端服務 Firebase整合。隨著 AI 世代的來臨,製作行動應用程式 Mobile Apps 已經是開發人員必須掌握的技術。 本課程會由淺入深,教授學員如何以最新技術開發 Android 及 iPhone Apps。除此之外, 亦會教授如何利用各種各類的雲端服務,去創造具備人工智能的手機程式 Apps。

學員可以透過 Firebase ML Kit 和 Apple Core ML 識別訊息是否垃圾訊息,偵測圖片中的臉孔、辨識重要的臉部特徵,例如人臉是否微笑,左/右眼是打開還是關閉等,亦可製造文字辨識器,透過鏡頭抽取相片內的文字,轉化為可編輯的文字。

Course Information : https://uec.edu.hk/diploma_in_apps_development
Course Enquiry / Contact us Whatsapp : https://wa.me/85290455522

- 課程分為2部分 - 面授課程 + Video課程
- 面授課程 - 逢星期二上課,共8堂
- 學員可選擇 "面授" 或 " Live Online Learning" 模式上課
- 學員可重溫每堂課堂錄影
- 本校加設 "remote control" 操作方式,透過此方式可令" Live Online Learning" 模式上課的學員能使用學校電腦進行實習,導師亦會即時作出指導
- 課堂錄影 及 Video課程的觀看時限為期12個月

What You’ll Learn

課程代碼: DMA2023

面授課程 + Video課程

Android with Kotlin - 面授課程 :

1. Kotlin Basics and Android Basics

1.1 Understanding the Android Apps project structure and file usages
1.2 Creating the Android Phone Emulator for testing
1.3 Understanding Kotlin language and the Android Studio
1.4 Learn how to use variables, decision making, looping and data structures
1.5 Learn the methods and object oriented feature of Kotlin
1.6 Understanding Android Apps structure and related files
1.7 Design the user interface using the layout file and the widgets
1.8 Understanding the Life cycle of Android Activity
1.9 Android Resource Management (String, Color, Drawable)
1.10Use of Logcat for debugging and monitoring

2. Android Widgets, Intent and RecyclerView

2.1 Displaying text and image using TextView and ImageView
2.2 Receiving user input using EditText and Radio Button
2.3 Receiving user input using RatingBar and Switch
2.4 Using Button to trigger event and setup event handling
2.5 Use of Implicit Intent to dial phone or send SMS
2.6 Use of Explicit Intent to launch another Activity and passing data
2.7 Use of Spinner and ListView to display structured data
2.8 Use of RecyclerView and CardView to display unlimited data
2.9 Creating Toast and Alert Dialog Box for notification

3. Android Fragments, Storage and Networking

3.1 Storing and getting back data using SharedPreferences
3.2 Setting static and dynamic permission for web access
3.3 Understanding WebView for presenting web pages
3.4 Downloading Image and Text from Internet
3.5 Decoding JSON data received from Web Services
3.6 Using external library to help to connect to Internet
3.7 Understanding the Fragment and its application
3.8 Build the static and dynamic Fragments
3.9 Passing data between Fragments

4. Android SQLite Database and Firebase

4.1 Understanding SQLite Database
4.2 Create the SQLite Database
4.3 Adding data to the SQLite Database
4.4 Removing data from the SQLite Database
4.5 Updating data in the SQLite Database
4.6 Listing and searching data using SQLite Database
4.7 Understanding Firebase Web Services
4.8 Integrating Firebase with Android Apps
4.9 Build and deploy the project to Google Play Store

iOS with Kotlin - 面授課程 :

1.Swift Basics and IOS Project Basics

1.1 Understanding Swift Language and the Xcode IDE
1.2 Learn how to use variables, decision making, looping and data structures
1.3 Learn how touse optional variables
1.4 Learn the methods and object oriented feature of Swift
1.5 Understanding Views, View Hierarchy and View Controllers
1.6 Understanding the Life cycle of ViewController
1.7 Using IBOutlets to access UI widget properties
1.8 Using IBActions to setup the event listener
1.9 Using UILabel and UIImageView for display information
1.10Using NSLog for debugging and monitoring

2. Swift Storyboard, Controllers and Widgets

2.1 Displaying text and image using TextView and ImageView
2.2 Receiving user input using TextField and SegmentControl
2.3 Receiving user input using Switch and Slider
2.4 Using Button to trigger event and setup event handling
2.5 Understanding AutoLayout for handling different devices and orientation
2.6 Using Storyboards, Segues and Transitions
2.7 Link up multiple pages using manual Segue.
2.8 Use of Navigation Controller to navigate to different Scenes
2.9 Passing data between different ViewControllers
2.10 Using TabBar Controller for building tab based applications

3. IOS Storage, Networking and Maps

3.1 Storing and getting back data using UserDefaults
3.2 Understanding TableView for displaying structured data
3.3 Understanding WebView for presenting web pages
3.4 Web Server Communication using Background Thread
3.5 Setting Apps Transport Security for web access
3.6 Understanding JSON data format for communications
3.7 Downloading text, image and JSON data using URL and URLRequest
3.8 Downloading text, image and JSON data using URLSession
3.9 Use the LocationManager to find location of the user
3.10 Display and use the Map by using the MapKit

4. IOS CoreData and SwiftUI

4.1 Understanding CoreData objects for data storage
4.2 Design the Entities to represent tables in CoreData
4.3 Adding data to CoreData
4.4 Removing data from CoreData
4.5 Updating data in CoreData
4.6 Listing and searching data in CoreData
4.7 Understanding Firebase Web Services
4.8 Downloading text, image and JSON data using URLSession
4.9 Integrating Firebase with IOS Apps
4.10 Build and deploy the project to Apple Store

5. CRUD Database Projects - Video課程 :
CRUD Database using IOS Swift Data
CRUD Database using IOS Core Data
CRUD Cloud FireStore using IOS
CRUD Firebase Realtime using Android

6. AI Applications with Android and iOS - Video課程 :
Building Android Machine Learning Solutions using Firebase ML
Building IOS Machine Learning Solutions using Firebase ML
Buliding IOS Machine Learning Solutions using Apple CpreML

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